Friday, February 7, 2020

become a cloud architect

The architect's position has more to do with experience than with learning in any field.

Although you can try to become a cloud developer of a mainframe developer. With a year of experience, you can become a cloud architect.

To begin, I suggest reading  You can get some certifications to know them. Then, join the startup that works in the cloud domain. As a startup, the learning opportunities are huge. Therefore, with years of experience, you can become a "cloud architect" or an architect who can manage the clouds in the best possible way.

Learning by doing is the best advice. The main cloud service providers offer free levels or free credits to get started. Choose a cloud service provider with the companies you want to work with now. Then, find training materials to build a good knowledge base on the platform. If you are interested in learning more about become a cloud architect I strongly recommend

After completing a training course at your chosen cloud provider, it is time to start studying by doing. Take the material you learned from the course and start distributing demo applications like a WordPress website